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   I have an idea that according to the research I have done is innovative and will solve a major issue. The idea is going to involve a physical product that will be created either by the individual, a family member of the subject or by an AI search. Also a product that is a personal data collection site that also works with a physical product. I want to start developing my presence in the niche. The niche is personal validation focusing on newborns and those nearing the end of their life. I want to become present in the niche but they are on the opposite ends. I want to be seen as a thought leader in personal validation.
The obstacle I face is I also need to build an income stream fast. My main goal is going to take time. I have  the needed tasks such as Concept Development, Target Market and analysis, Market Research,Business Model definition,  Funding and Budget accusation, Brand and Marketing Strategy, Operations and Logistics creation, implement Legal Considerations,and  learn the skills needed or correctly outsource if needed. 
 How do I introduce myself to the world via a website? This is the first step as far as I can see. Building an email list is where I think I should start.
 Meanwhile I am going to try and profit off of small businesses and simple websites from a google maps lead collection to generate income and learn new skills. I want to use the Google maps income stream to also learn to market with workspace and web development.
 I want to know if this is a practical approach and if I can use AI to help me with the simple sites to monetize google maps leads.
 There is a huge learning curve I am facing but I want to start and I have the trust in myself to do this. Can it be done? Start small. Sell simple sites cheap. Evolve as I grow more knowledgeable. Put new knowledge into my own project as I face the needed tasks to have my big idea to work.
 What type of website do I start out with? Can I use affiliate products to gain a presence ? Where do I start? 
Any advice?
Posted : 12/03/2023 6:14 pm
Posts: 409
Member Moderator

Hello @willow, you have stated a lot of questions that it got a little confusing. 

  • According to building an income stream, a good approach can be learning a high-demand skill. You can learn web development, however in my opinion i think learning something AI-related might be more beneficial and more in demand so you might get a better opportunity.
  • According to your business, you can build a website and start writing blog posts and repurposing them to other platforms to build an online presence. Inside your blogs and articles, you can provide some affiliate links which can be another income stream. In addition, make sure to collect as many emails as you can through your website, build an email list, and start email marketing.

I dont know if that covered everything, feel free to ask to follow up questions if something still isnt covered.

Posted : 12/03/2023 9:35 pm
Posts: 1127
Noble Member

@willow696 you need to start with a mindmap tool so that you can work through the details. You can use Mural or Trello or both to help you do this. Both have free use plans to help you in getting started. Once you have a plan mapped then you can start your creation.

Earnie Boyd, CEO
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Posted : 12/04/2023 4:06 am
Posts: 5
Active Member Customer

You may consider the following:

Step 1: Start with a simple, informative website that communicates the essence of the personal validation concept.

Step 2: Utilize content marketing and social media to establish an initial online presence.

Step 3: Building an email list is a good strategy; consider offering valuable content or resources in exchange for sign-ups.

Step 4: Explore the potential of AI for the specific tasks involved in simple websites but evaluate its cost-effectiveness.

Step 5: Begin with a niche-specific website and gradually expand as you gain expertise and resources.

Step 6: Leverage affiliate products strategically to enhance your online presence and generate income.

I hope this will help you build your strategic move in achieving your big dream.

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Posted : 12/10/2023 6:11 pm
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